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Англо-русский словарь - doctor


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Перевод с английского языка doctor на русский

 1) врач, доктор
 2) Doctor - доктор
DOCTOR on duty дежурный врач
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См. в других словарях

  1. доктор, врач doctor's overall —- медицинский халат family doctor —- домашний врач ship's doctor —- судовой (корабельный) врач to see a doctor —- сходить к врачу to send for a doctor —- послать за врачом; вызвать врача to call in a doctor —- вызвать врача who is your doctor? —- кто вас лечит? 2. знахарь 3. доктор (ученая степень) D. of Philosophy —- доктор философии to take one's doctor's degree —- получить степень доктора 4. законник, законовед, знаток законов 5. ученый богослов, теолог 6. редк. ученый муж, авторитет 7. уст. наставник, учитель 8. pl. уст. отцы церкви (также Doctors of the Church) 9. начальник; тот, кто распоряжается и предписывает you're the doctor —- вы тут хозяин; придется мне подчиниться 10. искусственная муха (для ужения) 11. разг. прохладный ветерок 12. австрал. повар 13. тех. вспомогательное устройство 14. тех. скребок 15. тех. адаптер; переходная муфта 16. суррогат; фальсифицированный или испорченный примесями продукт 17. полигр. ракель, ракля (также doctor blade) 18. разг. лечить, врачевать to doctor smb. (for rheumatism) —- лечить кого-л. (от ревматизма) to doctor oneself with tranquillizers —- лечиться транквилизаторами 19. заниматься врачебной практикой 20. лечиться; принимать лекарство 21. (также doctor up) разбавлять (напитки) to doctor beer with water —- разбавить пиво...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  сущ. употребляется в сочетаниях - company doctor DOCTOR 1. сущ. 1) эк. тр. врач, доктор to see a doctor — сходить к врачу to send for a doctor — послать за врачом; вызвать врача to call in a doctor — вызвать врача See: doctor's certificate, company doctor 2) а) обр. доктор (ученая степень) to take one's doctor's degree — получить докторскую степень Doctor of Law Medicine — доктор юридических наук медицины See: Doctor of Philosophy б) религ. теолог, ученый богослов; законник, законовед 3) эк. тр., австр., сленг повар (особенно на корабле, во временном лагере и т. п.) 4) эк. тр., разг. мастер по ремонту 2. гл. 1) а) общ. подделывать, подтасовывать, подгонять (документы, результаты выборов и т. п.) He was accused of doctoring the election returns. — Его обвинили в подтасовке результатов выборов. They doctored the play to suit the audience. — Они подправили пьесу так, чтобы она устраивала публику. б) общ. разбавлять (менять состав напитка, продукта и т. п. путем введения различных примесей, добавок) doctored wine — разбавленное вино to doctor beer with water — разбавить пиво водой 2) общ. лечить, врачевать to doctor smb. for rheumatism — лечить кого-либо от ревматизма to doctor oneself with tranquillizers — лечиться транквилизаторами 3) общ., разг. латать, чинить, ремонтировать (на скорую руку) to doctor an old clock — подремонтировать...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) диагностическое программное обеспечение, диагностическое ПО 2) информационно-диагностическая система (видеомагнитофона) – video doctor ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) механик-ремонтник 2) скребок; шабер 3) ракель, ракельный нож 4) пищ. снимающий нож 5) паяльник 6) пищ. добавка 7) докторский раствор (щелочной раствор плумбита натрия) 8) небольшой двигатель (системы водоснабжения паровых котлов) - air doctor - brush doctor - creping doctor - roll doctor - water doctor ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a qualified practitioner of medicine; a physician. b US a qualified dentist or veterinary surgeon. 2 a person who holds a doctorate (Doctor of Civil Law). 3 colloq. a person who carries out repairs. 4 archaic a teacher or learned man. 5 sl. a cook on board a ship or in a camp. 6 (in full doctor-blade) Printing a blade for removing surplus ink etc. 7 an artificial fishing-fly. --v. colloq. 1 a tr. treat medically. b intr. (esp. as doctoring n.) practise as a physician. 2 tr. castrate or spay. 3 tr. patch up (machinery etc.); mend. 4 tr. adulterate. 5 tr. tamper with, falsify. 6 tr. confer a degree of doctor on. Phrases and idioms Doctor of the Church any of several early Christian Fathers of the Church. Doctor of Philosophy a doctorate in any faculty except law, medicine, or sometimes theology. go for the doctor Austral. sl. 1 make an all-out effort. 2 bet all one has. what the doctor ordered colloq. something beneficial or desirable. Derivatives doctorhood n. doctorial adj. doctorly adj. doctorship n. Etymology: ME f. OF doctour f. L doctor f. docere doct- teach ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English doctour teacher, ~, from Anglo-French & Medieval Latin; Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin ~, from Latin, teacher, from docere to teach — more at docile  Date: 14th century  1.  a. an eminent theologian declared a sound expounder of doctrine by the Roman Catholic Church — called also ~ of the church  b. a learned or authoritative teacher  c. a person who has earned one of the highest academic degrees (as a PhD) conferred by a university  d. a person awarded an honorary ~ate (as an LLD or Litt D) by a college or university  2.  a. a person skilled or specializing in healing arts; especially one (as a physician, dentist, or veterinarian) who holds an advanced degree and is licensed to practice  b. medicine man  3.  a. material added (as to food) to produce a desired effect  b. a blade (as of metal) for spreading a coating or scraping a surface  4. a person who restores, repairs, or fine-tunes things  • ~al adjective  • ~less adjective  • ~ship noun  II. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 1712  transitive verb  1.  a. to give medical treatment to  b. to restore to good condition ; repair ~ an old clock  2.  a. to adapt or modify for a desired end by alteration or special treatment ~ed the play to suit the audience the drink was ~ed  b. to alter deceptively accused of ~ing the election returns a ~ed photo  intransitive verb  1. to practice medicine  2. dialect to take medicine ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (doctors, doctoring, doctored) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A doctor is someone who is qualified in medicine and treats people who are ill. Do not discontinue the treatment without consulting your doctor... Doctor Paige will be here right after lunch to see her. N-COUNT; N-TITLE; N-VOC 2. A dentist or veterinarian can also be called doctor. (AM) N-COUNT; N-TITLE; N-VOC 3. The doctor’s is used to refer to the surgery or office where a doctor works. I have an appointment at the doctors. N-COUNT: usu sing, the N 4. A doctor is someone who has been awarded the highest academic or honorary degree by a university. He is a doctor of philosophy. N-COUNT; N-TITLE 5. If someone doctors something, they change it in order to deceive people. They doctored the prints to make her look as awful as possible. VERB: V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 someone who is trained to treat people who are ill  (go to a doctor/see a doctor)  (I think you'd better go to the doctor about your chest. | Doctor Smith/Brown etc)  (I'd like to make an appointment to see Doctor Pugh.) 2 someone who holds the highest level of degree given by a university  (a Doctor of Law) 3 AmE a way of addressing or referring to a dentist ~2 v 1 to dishonestly change something in order to make it seem better  (The figure had been doctored to read $5000 instead of $500.) 2 to add a substance, especially a drug or poison, to food or drink  (Paul suspected that his drink had been doctored.) 3 to remove the sex organs of an animal, especially a cat or dog, so that it cannot produce babies ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1303, from O.Fr. doctour, from M.L. doctor "religious teacher, adviser, scholar," from L. doctor "teacher," from doct- stem of docere "to show, teach," originally "make to appear right," causative of decere "be seemly, fitting" (see decent). Familiar form doc first recorded 1850s. Meaning of "highest degree in university" is first found 14c.; so is "medical professional," though this was not common till 16c. Verb sense of "alter, disguise, falsify" is first recorded 1774. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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